Catégories : Bibliography, English
Translation of the book L’obsession anti-américaine

Encounter Books
November 1, 2003
176 pages
Revel probes the origins of the notion that America is the source of all evil: imperialistic, greedy, ruthlessly competitive–a hyperpower whose riches are acquired at the expense of the Third World.
- Pride and Resentment, Robert Howse
- For America, by Alan Wolfe, May 14, 2004, The American Prospect (Vol. 15, Issue 6)
Mr. Revel, I just wanted to thank you for Anti-Americanism. What an amazing open-minded piece of work. I can not remember a time when a book has so encapsulated my thoughts on world opinion of my Country. In an attempt to understand the hatred I felt directed toward my country I was looking for answers, all I needed was Anti-Americanism to know that what I felt was true. Thank you. Jon Edmondson ( Naples, Florida)